BlueChew Review

When a man is suffering from sexual diseases, it may take a toll on his confidence. For example, erectile dysfunction has been plaguing men for many years. It reduces the ability of men to perform better in bed and has many other consequences.


Many doctors will suggest you try pills like Cialis or Viagra. There are two main ingredients in these pills that tend to enhance your sexual performance. But BlueChew is the only chewable tablet in the market that has both of these ingredients.

The pill is available online and there is absolutely no need to visit a doctor in person. Thus, you can even avoid the embarrassment of visiting a doctor for your ED related issues. You can simply place the order online and you will receive your package within some days.

Just tear the package of the tablet and chew it without water. Within some hours, you will feel an empowering feeling and that leads to an amazing sexual experience. Isn’t it a convenient option to try the BlueChew pills? If you want to know more about its subscription and other information, keep on reading!

BlueChew Ingredients

The BlueChew tablets come in a pack of two tablet subscriptions. One tablet includes Sildenafil as the main ingredient and another one has Tadalafil. Both of these ingredients are really helpful to stimulate blood supply in the penis. Take a look at what both of these ingredients can do:

  1. Sildenafil – The sildenafil is the most helpful ingredient to improve blood circulation in the penile walls. The ingredient also has the ability to affect the enzyme that actually blocks the blood vessel’s diameter. This enzyme is known as type 5 phosphodiesterase, which is abbreviated as PDE5. When you chew the BlueChew tablet that has sildenafil as an ingredient, it helps you to stay erect for more than 4 hours, which can also last for up to 6 hours. When the enzyme that blocks the blood flow in your penis is targeted directly, it becomes easier for the blood to flow properly. This increased blood flow results in an improved erection. It is often suggested to consume the sildenafil BlueChew pill before half an hour of the sexual act. The action of this ingredient is prominent for a shorter duration. Thus, you should always chew the pill within a couple of hours.
  2. Tadalafil – The tadalafil ingredient is given in a separate tablet of BlueChew. It holds great value in showing favorable results in improving the ED. The working of this ingredient is also similar to that of sildenafil. But the results stay for a longer duration. When you chew the tadalafil tablet of BlueChew, you will feel a quick flow of the blood in your penis. And this feeling remains for a couple of hours, for example, the tadalafil works 24 to 36 hours. Due to the fact that this ingredient has a prolonged action, you can have this tablet a day before planning to surprise your partner with your romantic session.


The Working of BlueChew

Both sildenafil and tadalafil ingredients are known for their quick action on erectile dysfunction. You’d be happy to know that both of these ingredients are FDA approved. So, you can use these pills to treat your ED easily.

You might be facing trouble in holding on the erection for a longer period. Or worst, you can’t become erect no matter what you do. If this is your scenario then you must go for BlueChew.

It increases the blood flow in the penis. That makes you stay erect for a longer duration. As a result, you’ll have a pleasurable and unforgettable experience with your partner. Every single time!

The ingredients work at different levels, whether you are just about to jump into the bed or you are planning for an exciting night with your wife or girlfriend. Take sildenafil tablet an hour before leaning into your partner. You can have a tadalafil tablet anytime and it will keep you aroused for more than a day.

If you think you have used everything to get rid of ED in the past and nothing has ever worked for you. Be rest assured that BlueChew is the treatment for you. It has powerful ingredients found in the most popular pills like Viagra and Cialis.

bluechew trial

How To Use BlueChew Pills?

By now you must have become aware of the main ingredients of the tablets. Both sildenafil and tadalafil are useful to eliminate erection issues in men. If you want to quickly boost your erection, use sildenafil. But if you simply want to get rid of ED for more than 24 hour period, use the tadalafil BlueChew pill.

BlueChew tablets are really easy to consume. Simply tear the packaging and chew the pill. It’s as easy as it seems! Being a chewable tablet, you can have it without water. The result of a chewable tablet is also quick as compared to the normal tablets.

For effective action, use the pills according to the ingredients. For example, if you need a quick result use sildenafil. Else you can go for tadalafil tablet of BlueChew package.

What Are The Benefits Of BlueChew?

The BlueChew subscription is the most beneficial subscription for someone who is suffering from erectile dysfunction. Take a look at some of its benefits:

  • Blood Flow Booster – When you are with your partner and you can’t stay erect for more than a minute, it can definitely embarrass you. But BlueChew saves you from this embarrassment. It boosts the blood flow in your body as well as in the penis.
  • No Need To Visit A Doctor – Do you feel too shy to visit a doctor to get your ED treated? Don’t worry! BlueChew is an online subscription that has various packages. You can place the order at the comfort of your home that too without visiting a doctor.
  • Oral Treatment For ED – There are a number of surgeries and other harmful treatments for ED. But you don’t need to trouble your body to treat your erectile dysfunction. The BlueChew pills are quite safe oral forms of the ED treatment.
  • Convenient Packaging – The package comes in a discreet package. When the package arrives at your address, no one will find out what’s there in the mailbox for you. And the tablets are also individually packed so you can carry a single tablet along with you wherever you’re going.
  • Safe Treatment For ED – Even if you are ordering your BlueChew package online, your ED patterns will be thoroughly studied by professional physicians first. You will be suggested a proper dosage of both the BlueChew tablets after you answer a set of medical questions.

How Much You Need To Pay For BlueChew Subscription?

The BlueChew tablets are available only on the official website of the manufacturer. There are multiple packages for both the ingredients that are suggested according to your symptoms.

You will be asked to fill some basic information about your medical condition and physical location. You can choose anyone out of sildenafil and tadalafil subscriptions. The packages and their subscription charges are explained below:

Tadalafil Packages

Active: one month supply of four 6 mg tablets at $20

Busy: one month supply of seven 6mg tablets at $30

Popular: one month supply of fourteen 6mg tablets at $50

Pro: one month supply of twenty-eight 6mg tablets at $90

Sildenafil Packages

Active: one month supply of six 30 mg tablets at $20

Busy: one month supply of ten 30 mg tablets at $30

Popular: one month supply of seventeen 30 mg tablets at $50

Pro: one month supply of thirty-four 30 mg tablets at $90

You can get a one month supply of both or one of the two ingredients after getting a consultation call from the physician at BlueChew.

bluechew reviews

Refunding Policy & Moneyback Guarantee

If due to any reason the tablets don’t suit you or if there is no difference in your ED condition, then you can also apply for a refund within 30 days. The 100% moneyback guarantee assures full security against your purchase.

For more information, you can reach their customer support by calling 888.366.BLUE or emailing them at [email protected].

Are There Any Side Effects of Using BlueChew?

The ingredients mentioned in the BlueChew are FDA approved. Thus you can trust this tablet to treat your erectile dysfunction without any side effects. However, there are some strict guidelines that you must follow before starting your subscription.

When you ingest sildenafil and tadalafil to overcome ED, it may affect the blood flow inside your body. If you are undergoing a treatment related to heart diseases or blood pressure, then you should not consider these chewable tablets. This tablet is also not intended to be used by someone who is under 18 years of age.

Due to the direct impact on the blood flow of the penis, this pill can also result in several side effects including painful erection, upset stomach, headache, back pain, fainting, rash, pain in the chest and itchiness during urinating. If you face any of the side effects as mentioned above, stop taking the pills immediately. If the side effects persist, go to the doctor directly.

Customer Reviews

By Mark J.

I am glad that finally, I have found a monthly subscription for ED treatment. It costs me a lot less to use this tablet because it has two ingredients. It has a sort of bitter taste. I wish the company would have added a sweet flavor to the composition. But that’s okay as long as the tablet works!

By Ashton B.

I desperately needed something like this! It definitely works and I can perform a way better than before. But my only concern is the limited availability. I wish I could get a few more every single month. I am glad I have tried this one rather than any other pill for men. Go for it guys!

By Matt G.

The monthly subscription of BlueChew has saved my 10 years of marriage. My wife was unhappy with my performance in bed. Whenever I used to approach her, she used to turn away. It really shattered my confidence. After a lot of research, my eyes were glued to the BlueChew web page. It seemed to be the solution to every problem that I was facing that moment. I subscribed to the monthly package and took the pills according to the instructions. My ED vanished in just a month!

By Taylor L.

If you need a safe and convenient treatment for your erectile dysfunction, go for BlueChew! The ingredients are safe and FDA approved and the dosage is designed according to your current situation. After sifting through various other methods to combat erectile dysfunction, I am sold for this one. It has increased both, the erection as well as the pleasure. Go for it blindly!

By Danny H.

For someone who is in his mid-age, this tablet can be a life savior. I could not tell anyone about my ED related complications but BlueChew helped me silently. I did not have to go to any doctor or carry a bottle of the tablet with me all the time. The subscription does not cost much and I love the fact that pills are individually packed. I am going to continue the subscription for the next few months.


If you are looking for an advanced ED treatment that too at the comfort of your home, then BlueChew is the ultimate choice for you. It uses two of the most factual ingredients to treat blockage of blood flow in the penis.

Both of these ingredients are safe unless you are on the treatment of chronic disease. The subscription model is also quite convenient as you get the supply delivered right at your doorstep.

All in all, BlueChew has come a long way to make men sexually healthy without the need of undergoing harmful surgery. To subscribe, visit the official website right now!

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